Bad Piggies Skull 4 Location, Find The Skulls 4 | Ground Hog Day 1-23 Skull Location
You can find the Hidden Skull 4 on Ground Hog Day 1-23. Build your vehicle with a yellow umbrella-jack on the left. Add three wood crates to the right with a small green motor in each of the ones on the ends and a TNT box in the middle. The base of the contraption is two wood wheels. Finish the contraption with a pig in a wood crate over the TNT and a metal fan to the right of him.
Bad Piggies
Skull 4 Location
Find The Skulls 4
Ground Hog Day 1-23
Level 1-23
Hidden Skull Location
Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Cheats
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