Bad Piggies – Ground Hog Day 13, Level 1-13 | Bad Piggies Walkthrough
The solution to this level starts with your Bad Piggies guy all by himself on the left side. Just below this layer is a TNT box. Complete your contraption by grabbing another TNT box and placing it next to the first one.
Ground Hog Day 13
Ground Hog Day 1-13
Level 1-13
3 Star Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Cheats
Recorded On: iPod
Available On: iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android, PC, Windows, Mac, Apple, OSX, Facebook, Nokia, Windows Phone, Kindle, DS Lite, DSi, Playstation 3, XBOX 360
Bad Piggies Ground Hog Day 1-14 Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Ground Hog Day 1-12 Walkthrough