Bad Piggies – Ground Hog Day VII, Level 1-VII | Bonus Level | Bad Piggies Walkthrough
The 3 star contraption for this level is 3 wood boxes with an umbrella on the left and a cola bottle on the right. Just below this layer of the contraption use 2 wood wheels and another cola bottle. Put this cola bottle between the two wheels. Complete your contraption by grabbing two more wood wheels and another cola bottle. Place them in the exact same position as the items on the bottom row.
Bad Piggies
Ground Hog Day VII
Ground Hog Day 1-VII
Level 1-VII
Bonus Level
3 Star Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Walkthrough
Bad Piggies Cheats
Recorded On: iPod
Available On: iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android, PC, Windows, Mac, Apple, OSX, Facebook, Nokia, Windows Phone, Kindle, DS Lite, DSi, Playstation 3, XBOX 360
Bad Piggies Ground Hog Day 1-VIII Walkthrough
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